Opinion 1
As you have certainly already noticed, in the audio industry you can easily come across manufacturers focused only on electronics, loudspeakers, cabling, power supply or accessories. In fact, it is even accepted that when completing your dream set, it is worth taking each of the components from such specialized manufactures, whose owners/designers/employees have cut their teeth in a given, narrow section of our area of interest. However, there are entities that prove that it is possible to have may different areas of interest and still logically expand your own portfolio. Just look at Furutech, a company which most buyers associate primarily with cables, which, despite their undeniable audiophileness, are not shrouded in secrets, understatements, or fairy tales, but even in their strictly high-end versions, are competitively priced compared to their competition. Each time we get precise information what you can find inside a given wire or plug, what is it made of, what processes it has been subjected to and usually this is even supported by detailed cross-sections. In short, the Japanese are playing with open cards and showing solid engineering foundations. However, their main profile does not prevent them from gradually expanding to the sides, whether related to power supply (vide NCF Power Vault-E), or all kinds of accessories dedicated to cables (the family of power and signal Boosters), or improving the signal and energy bloodstream in general. What kind of accessories? Well, things like the characteristic „plugs” represented by the NCF Clear Line, reviewed by us in January 2021 and hosted in our modest listening rooms in October 2023 NCF Clear Line RCA and XLR. And since then two more „purifiers” from this series appeared, this time aimed at the digital domain – USB and LAN ports, and the domestic distributor – the Katowice-based RCM had such novelties at its disposal, so we showed our interest in having them as soon as possible and were able to give them a listen. So we are now sharing the results of this activity with you.
As you can see in the photos above, both of the titular accessories retain the features characteristic of company tradition. Therefore, we are again dealing with bodies made of a special – non-magnetic variety of stainless steel with characteristic „marbled” – gray/black, three-layer sleeves, the outer layer of which is a special hardened transparent coating. Underneath it you will find NCF (Nano Crystal² Formula) and a forged carbon fiber composite, then a hybrid of NCF and carbon fibers, and at the very bottom a mixture of NCF with unidirectional carbon fibers. Of course, each Clear Line has an appropriate, ensuring the highest resonance damping, nylon stopper (NCF damping clips) covered with NCF and the whole thing is screwed together with precisely selected force with non-magnetic stainless steel screws. A semi-tight air chamber created inside the body is the seat of an electrolytic capacitor covered with a silver damping coating, responsible for eliminating vibrations and thus increasing the purity of sound. The two-stage Alpha demagnetization process was not forgotten either, as well as cryogenics, i.e. freezing of individual elements at temperatures from -196 to -250°C. Both versions use gold-plated, non-magnetic, shielded (EMI) copper alloy plugs, and the manufacturer recommends in the company materials at least 24-hour burn-in period.
When it comes to usability, according to the manufacturer’s recommendation of the NCF, the Clear Line Lan wandered between the „civilian” Xiaomi Mi AIoT AX3600 router and the audio switch that was an integral part of the system (interchangeably the Silent Angel Bonn N8 and the QSA Violet, which was in its burn-in period), while the USB settled in the back of the Lumïn U2 Mini, in the previously unused socket (fortunately there are two).
And how do the tested optimizers fare in terms of intensity of action and the sound signatures themselves? On one hand according to expectation, and on the other, a bit different from its analogue-power siblings. First of all, they offer native darkening of the background, which is sewn into the company’s DNA, resulting in excellent resolution and precision of focusing of virtual sources, and on the other hand, due to operating on slightly different „layers”, they get along well working together in parallel, so you don’t have to think about which version to choose and where to plug it in, because you can successfully enjoy their charms at the same time. In addition, at least in my system, the presence of NCF Clear Line USB was more clearly audible than the Lan version, although it must be honestly admitted that despite the above-mentioned differences in intensity, both „trinkets” maintained full sonic compatibility. And as if that was not enough, comparing them with analogue-power predecessors as part of fratricidal comparisons, one can come to the conclusion that the optimization of USB/Lan buses is carried out with even greater craftsmanship, precision and transparency. While earlier the plugging in of the Clear Lines, apart from the obvious cleaning and repair actions, I usually perceived in terms of an indisputably useful, but evident interference in the structure of the system I have, this time I would describe these actions as fully conscious calibration, done with watchmaking precision. It was as if I had already perfected the Audio/Video system from A to Z, at the very end I made the final, professional calibration of the TV/projector, e.g. using a high-end spectrophotometer, and then uploaded a profile free from factory imperfections. Apparently no one had raised any objections to the quality of the image it offered, but after carrying out the above-mentioned procedure, it suddenly turned out that it could be better, much better, but not by crudely increasing the saturation or contrast to the levels known from the eye-burning demo modes, but rather by achieving full compliance with the benchmark values, i.e. eliminating any deviations from the master. As a result, the splash of water on the opening track („Procession”) „White Rainbow” by Mostly Autumn sounded with such realism that I instinctively glanced towards the corridor leading to the bathroom and kitchen, to see if maybe the washing machine or dishwasher spontaneously decided to turn my place into a swimming pool, and the flies from Steve Vai’s „Bangkok” (from „Fire Garden” album) caused an involuntary movement of my hand to chase away the pesky intruders. Therefore, people showing symptoms of all kinds of obsessive-compulsive disorders or phobias (in this case entomophobia) are asked to carefully choose the repertoire that lands on the playlists.
However, as I mentioned, the presence of Furutechs is not a thoughtless setting of the adjustment sliders to the maximum, but the closest possible reproduction of a realistic pattern. Thanks to this, despite the unquestionable increase in resolution, there is absolutely no exaggeration, so even the rustling Carla Bruni („Quelqu’un m’a dit”) or the usually too ethereal Ane Brun („How Beauty Holds The Hand Of Sorrow”) did not even come close to the thin red line, crossing of which stops being a confirmation of the abilities of the system, but become a real nightmare of each listening session. However, it was enough to remove the Furutech NCF Clear Line USB & Lan from the system and the sound became noticeably more grainy and rustling – the aforementioned sibilants were emphasized and the whole, after a long while, began to irritate disturbingly. Autosuggestion? On the contrary. It is only proof that a person gets used to good things surprisingly quickly and perceives even the slightest regression as an evident attack on his own level of existence and possessions.
Moving on to the final conclusions, I would like to inform you with disarming honesty that it is very possible, that for all those interested, i.e. those playing music from files (regardless of whether from the cloud – streaming services or from local repositories), contact with the tested optimizers – Furutech NCF Clear Line USB & Lan may turn out to be a kind of turning point. But not at the moment of their connection to the system, but at the moment they are removed from it. Only then will you have the (painful) opportunity to experience how seemingly insignificant and negligible anomalies degrade the final sound. I will leave the interpretation of whether the above summary will be taken as a recommendation or a warning against experimenting with the latest Furutech accessories, only timidly suggesting that, as with everything in audio, sometimes you have to hear something with your own ears to believe it.
Marcin Olszewski
System used in this test:
– CD/DAC: Vitus SCD-025mkII
– Network player: Lumïn U2 Mini + Farad Super3 + Omicron Magic Dream Classic; I-O Data Soundgenic HDL-RA4TB
– Turntable: Denon DP-3000NE + Denon DL-103R
– Phonostage: Tellurium Q Iridium MM/MC Phono Pre Amp
– Digital source selector: Audio Authority 1177
– Integrated amplifier: Vitus Audio RI-101 MkII + Quantum Science Audio (QSA) Violet fuse
– Loudspeakers: Dynaudio Contour 30 + Brass Spike Receptacle Acoustic Revive SPU-8 + Base Audio Quartz platforms
– IC RCA: Furutech FA-13S; phono NEO d+ RCA Class B Stereo + Ground (1m)
– IC XLR: Organic Audio; Vermöuth Audio Reference; Furutech DAS-4.1
– Digital IC: Fadel art DigiLitz; Harmonic Technology Cyberlink Copper; Apogee Wyde Eye; Monster Cable Interlink LightSpeed 200
– USB cables: Wireworld Starlight; Vermöuth Audio Reference USB; ZenSati Zorro
– Speaker cables: Signal Projects Hydra + SHUBI Custom Acoustic Stands MMS-1
– Power cables: Furutech FP-3TS762 / FI-28R / FI-E38R; Organic Audio Power + Furutech CF-080 Damping Ring; Acoustic Zen Gargantua II; Furutech Nanoflux Power NCF; Esprit Audio Alpha
– Power distribution board: Furutech e-TP60ER + Furutech FP-3TS762 / Fi-50 NCF(R) /FI-50M NCF(R)
– Wall power socket: Furutech FT-SWS(R)
– Anti-vibration platform: Franc Audio Accessories Wood Block Slim Platform
– Switch: Silent Angel Bonn N8 + Silent Angel S28 + Farad Super3 + Farad DC Level 2 copper cable
– Ethernet cables: In-akustik CAT6 Premium II; Audiomica Anort Consequence + Artoc Ultra Reference + Arago Excellence; Furutech LAN-8 NCF; Next Level Tech NxLT Lan Flame
– Table: Solid Tech Radius Duo 3
– Acoustic panels: Vicoustic Flat Panels VMT
Opinion 2
It was to be expected. What is it? Creation of devices that clean the digital signal. Of course, following the title of the test, we are talking about products from the NCF Clear Line series, a brand from the Japanese specialist in, broadly understood, audio accessories, from whose portfolio we have so far dealt with the subject of analog signal purification in the form of XLR and RCA signal filtering circuits enclosed in aesthetic housings. As you can deduce, the effect of their operation was so spectacular that it was only a matter of time before digital signal designs were brought to life. And as it turns out, after almost a year, Furutech started offering those, and it is obviously Furutech we are talking about today, and thanks to the efforts of the Katowice-based distributor RCM, the Furutech NCF Clear Line USB and LAN filtering systems have appeared on our doorstep.
Our tested heroes hardly differ in terms of overall appearance. In both cases, these are aesthetically finished cylinders with the diameter and length of the thumb of a typical Smith. Naturally, the issue of cleaning the signal from general magnetic noise is taken care of by the electrical systems hidden inside, and in fact by the electrolytic capacitor specially made according to Furutech’s specifications. Something more? If there is something more, I was not informed about it. What I do know, is that in order not to interfere with their so-called “work”, the casings of the tested Cleaners are made of specially selected and properly formed materials. They consist of non-magnetic stainless steel as the main part of the enclosure, several layers of properly prepared and enriched with NCF Carbon technology as insulators and the coating of the aforementioned capacitor, oriented on the opposite side to the plug, crowning the whole structure with a lid made of multi-layer plastic material with antistatic effect and thanks to internal channels reducing the resonance of the structure. As you can guess, depending on the product, each device includes gold-plated USB or LAN plugs dedicated to its tasks. Of course, as it is standard with the Japanese, each product, in addition to fulfilling specific tasks in an audio system, must also look good. And if so, probably no one is surprised by the fact that the color scheme and finish of each of the products of the described Cleaners are great, which, when we are forced to use them on the front-panel of the device, will be an evident piece of jewelry so liked by audio lovers. As usual, Furutech once again showed its class.
What do Furutech products really do? As the manufacturer mentions on the website, they clean the signal. And not at the level of hearing perception, but noticeable without any problems even for a layman. When it comes to efficiency, my observations show that the USB module is somewhat stronger than the LAN in improving signal quality, but both undoubtedly have an impact on the final sound of the system when using them. And to verify this thoroughly, I didn’t just settle for the application of the devices in my system, but I also had two away sessions with them, the effect of which was identical. So what was the effect? At first, the improvement is perceived on the basis of a better signal-to-noise ratio, which automatically translates into an improvement in microdynamics, i.e. the appearance of the subtlest information in the reproduced sound that has been lost so far. But not only that. Dynamics on macro scale also increased in a similar way, which resulted in frequent use of the remote control when listening to classical music. If you don’t have much experience with such material and the volume level is set to a certain level like for jazz, where energetic jumps are not so frequent, and if they are, they are not so unpredictable, every now and then it will seem that the music is too quiet, and when we turn up the volume, then the music blows us off our seats. And this is exactly what I experienced after applying the Japanese trinkets. Of course, not for a long time, because this is not exactly my cup of tea musically, and after a few songs I changed the repertoire to a different one, but it was good to see what effect the removal of electromagnetic noise from the signal can do – of course, we are talking about the appearance of details and the momentum of the whole presentation. What is very important, the sound does not thicken, brighten or darken, so each system will play the entire CD library in the aesthetics it had in its DNA before the test process started. It is just that everything is presented with much more tangibility, better colors and more legibility, and thus listening to music takes place with greater emotional involvement, without signs of one or the other aspect jumping out of line. Importantly, thanks to the higher resolution of the sound, compared to the pre-application version, sometimes you have to slightly reduce the volume level, because the natural feedback of signal purification is a perception of its energy rising and automatically this results in a sense of higher volume. I have observed such a state more than once while listening to good recordings of jazz and baroque pieces, which I diligently used for cognitive purposes. Of course, the phrase “you have to” is not really obligatory, it is a choice, because personally, when the signal is of the right quality, I usually allow myself to go crazy and instead of enjoying the omnipresent silence interrupted by a previously unattainable, and now full package of information, I deliberately increase the number of decibels. Of course, not in jazz, because this music is not suitable for that – well, maybe in the free variety – but with heavy rock or electronica. I always wait for a chance to play a nice Metallica concert with a symphonic section at the necessary volume, and when the opportunity arises, I don’t think about it, I just use the five minutes given to me. And so it was this time. Loud, strong and with a lot of enthusiasm not only for guitars, but also for symphonic sections, which is how it should be. So suggestively, that after two albums of this formation (as you know, the gentlemen have two similar concerts in their repertoire) there was no other choice but to end further listening. And not because it was bad, but because I deliberately and with great pleasure forced my hearing organs to defend themselves at my own request, and after the end of the second production, due to tinnitus, there was no point in further penetration of the album resources. Another thing is that my hearing organs deserved it. And this is after using such inconspicuous signal enhancers. Is this a wonder? Nothing of the sort, it is just technology implemented in real life.
To conclude the above, as you can see, quite concise description of the testing process of Japanese digital Cleaners, first of all, I owe you information whether the game is worth it. Yes, it certainly is. Secondly – to whom would I recommend them? It is probably clear that I would to everyone, without exception. And thirdly, why I do not see any contraindications. Well, as I wrote, those do not change the aesthetics of the sound of a given system, but tastefully emphasize the micro-information previously covered by digital noise, which makes the music vibrant with life like never before. So if you pay a lot of attention to maximizing the sound quality of your file-based setup in your advanced audio game, at least one of the two described designs of the Furutech NCF Cleaner Line USB or LAN should be included in your configuration. It will not break anything, but will do its job cleaning the signal.
Jacek Pazio
System used in this test:
– transport: CEC TL 0 3.0
– streamer: Lumin U2 Mini + switch Silent Angel Bonn N8
– DAC: dCS Vivaldi DAC 2.0
– Master clock: Mutec REF 10 SE-120
– reclocker: Mutec MC-3+USB
– Shunyata Research Omega Clock
– Shunyata Sigma V2 NR
– Preamplifier: Gryphon Audio Pandora
– Power amplifier: Gryphon Audio Apex Stereo
– Loudspeakers: Gauder Akustik Berlina RC-11 Black Edition
– Speaker cables: Furutech Nanoflux-NCF Speaker Cable
IC RCA: Hijiri Million „Kiwami”, Vermouth Audio Reference
IC XLR: Tellurium Q Silver Diamond, Hijiri Milion „Kiwami”, Furutech DAS-4.1
Digital IC: Hijiri HDG-X Milion
Ethernet cable: NxLT LAN FLAME
Power cables: Hijiri Takumi Maestro, Furutech Project-V1, Furutech NanoFlux NCF, Furutech DPS-4.1 + FI-E50 NCF(R)/ FI-50(R), Hijiri Nagomi, Vermouth Audio Reference Power Cord, Acrolink 8N-PC8100 Performante, Synergistic Research Galileo SX AC
– Table: BASE AUDIO 2
Accessories: Quantum Science Audio Red fuse; Synergistic Research Orange fuse; Harmonix TU 505EX MK II; Stillpoints ULTRA MINI; antivibration platform by SOLID TECH; Harmonix AC Enacom Improved for 100-240V
– Power distribution board: POWER BASE HIGH END, Furutech NCF Power Vault-E
– Acoustic treatments by Artnovion
Analog stage:
– Drive: Clearaudio Concept
– Cartridge: Dynavector DV20X2H
– Phonostage: Sensor 2 mk II
– Eccentricity Detection Stabilizer: DS Audio ES-001
– Tape recorder: Studer A80
Polish distributor: RCM
Manufacturer: Furutech
Furutech NCF Clear Line USB: 1 290 PLN
Furutech NCF Clear Line Lan: 1 290 PLN